
Today’s advanced endodontic treatments and materials can give you a healthier, more complete smile that can last you a lifetime. At The Dental Inc – Complete Dental Care, we help you revitalize and maintain your teeth and gums, giving you the smile you’ve always wanted.

Our experienced Endodontists perform single sitting root canal procedures to provide relatively precise,superior and predicatble root canals.

Some indications for the need of root canal treatment may be :

  • Spontaneous pain or throbbing.
  • Pain while biting or chewing.
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold.
  • Severe decay or injury that causes an abscess (infection) in the bone surrounding the tooth.
  • Traumatic injury exposing the nerve.


  • Root Canal Therapy
    Root Canal Treatment

    Root canal treatment is an endodontic procedure used to clear infected pulp away from the pulp chambers and canals of a diseased tooth. Infections occur when bacteria are allowed to enter the pulp – often due to untreated decay or a crack in the tooth. During a root canal, the tooth is opened and the pulp removed. Biocompatible cement is used to fill the tooth before it is restored with a crown or other restoration.

    How Do We Handle Single Sitting Root Canals?

    At Braces & Beyond- Complete Dental Care, We offer you the latest technology for single sitting root canal treatment, which is rapidly gaining immense popularity in dentistry. It is widely accepted as a faster procedure that eliminates the risk of any contamination of the tooth between appointments.

    The treatment involves accessing the pulp chamber and locating the canals, which are thoroughly cleaned and shaped with endo instruments. The void is filled with gutta percha points and finally sealed off with special cement. The dentists in our clinic are very experienced and thoroughly skilled in using the latest technology for root therapy. We can save your original teeth and avoid the need for other costly procedures.

    Before the Procedure

    Once our dentist has analyzed your teeth and decides to proceed with a single sitting root canal treatment, he/she will locally numb the infected teeth area and take measures to prevent infections and contamination.

    During the Procedure

    Once the tooth has been numbed, the procedure to gain access to the nerve starts. The root canal, pulp chamber and their surrounding areas are cleaned with root canal files to remove any debris and bacteria. Once your tooth and root canals are dry and clean, the interior is filled in and sealed with biocompatible material like gutta purcha points. The tooth cavity itself is then filled with a permanent tooth color composite filling material that is matched with the rest of your teeth.

    After the Procedure

    The treated tooth will likely be crowned after a few days. Some tenderness in the teeth is likely and you may be prescribed anti-inflammatory and analgesic medication for it. After the procedure, our doctors will guide you through the recovery process and any necessary precautions you need to take.

    Traditionally, this procedure would require three to four sittings, but Dr. Aesha Patel, our single sitting root canal specialist, can complete the procedure in just a single sitting, without compromising on your safety and time!

    FAQ about Root Canal Treatment
    Do I need root canal treatment?

    You may need a root canal if tooth decay or a broken tooth has allowed the pulp to become infected and inflamed. Signs and symptoms to watch out for include temperature sensitivity, swelling, drainage, odor, pain, and discoloration of the tooth. It is important to treat infections quickly, as delaying treatment can result in severe tooth pain and abscess.

    What should I expect to happen during my root canal?

    Your endodontist will numb your tooth with a local anesthetic and administer analgesia if needed. Once the tooth is numb, an opening will be made in the top of your tooth to access the canals. Your endodontist will use tiny instruments to remove pulp from your tooth and prepare it to be filled. You will return at a later date to have your root canal capped with a crown or other type of restoration that will give it the appearance and function of a natural tooth.

    Will I need to follow any post-operative instructions following my root canal treatment?

    You will be allowed to drive yourself home from your root canal visit and may even wish to return to work the same day. However, it is normal for your tooth to be sensitive in the days following your procedure. You’ll need to avoid biting anything with your filled tooth, as this can cause it to break or fracture. So long as the tooth heals normally and you experience no complications, you can return to your endodontist within a month to have a crown or other restoration placed on the tooth.

    How many sittings does root canal treatment require?

    It needs 3-4 sittings normally; but under special circumstances, it can be done in a single sitting taking approximately 45 minutes.

  • Endodontic Retreatment
    Root Canal Re-Treatment

    Root canal retreatment is a procedure used to clean the canals of a tooth that have already been subject to a root canal. Although most root canals are successful the first time, there are many reasons why a retreatment may be necessary. For example, some patients may have hidden canals that were not identified in the initial procedures, whereas others may experience a new infection caused by a loose crown or damaged filling. In some cases, these complications can occur immediately following a root canal when pain continues to persist and the tooth fails to heal. For other patients, complications can arise many years after an initial root canal. The goal of re-treatment is always the same as the initial root canal: Eliminate all bacteria from the inside of the tooth and seal it so that it is permanently protected from future infections.