
Invisalign® is an innovative orthodontic technique designed to discreetly straighten teeth without traditional metal brackets and wires. Using a series of clear plastic aligners, the Invisalign® system works to gently and gradually guide one’s teeth into an ideal position over the course of a few to several months. Due to the inconspicuous nature of this treatment option, Invisalign® is popular not only among adolescents, but in our practice especially, adults of all ages. From business professionals to retirees, many adults have chosen Invisalign® to address alignment concerns, without the attention traditional braces can draw.

Most Invisalign® patients have a particular concern they have been wanting to address. At The Dental Inc., Dr.Varun Parikh customizes treatment based on your unique needs and goals to help you quickly achieve the beautiful smile you desire.

Many of our patients wanting that perfectly straight smile have been extremely satisfied with their results from comprehensive treatment with Invisalign®. However, we also have many patients who have more minor concerns such as closing gaps between their two front teeth or correcting crowding that has developed over the years with their lower front teeth. Whatever the case, Invisalign® treatment can be limited or comprehensive, and is priced accordingly.

Benefits of Invisalign®

Since the plastic aligners used for Invisalign® are clear, most people will be unable to see them—a benefit that makes Invisalign® one of the most popular orthodontic solutions available today. In addition to discretion, Invisalign® can offer many other advantages compared to traditional braces, including :

  • Removable aligners that allow patients to eat, drink, and clean their teeth with ease
  • Very thin, low-profile aligners that are much more comfortable than wires and brackets that can irritate the inside of the mouth
  • Fewer visits to the dentist during treatment since the aligners do not need to be adjusted like traditional wires and brackets
  • A lower total cost, depending upon the patient’s needs
  • Faster treatment—Invisalign® patients can often achieve optimal results in less time

As an added benefit for our patients at The Dental Inc. we offer a complimentary at-home teeth whitening kit at the end of Invisalign® treatment to help your new smile look its best and brightest.

The Invisalign® Process

During the initial consultation, Dr.Varun Parikh will examine your teeth, review your expectations for treatment, and help determine if Invisalign® is the best option to meet your goals. If you are a good candidate for Invisalign®, a series of custom-made clear aligners will be designed and fabricated using a 3D model of your teeth. The total number of aligners will depend on your specific needs, and your doctor will instruct you on how long to wear each one before switching to the next aligner in the set.

Throughout the course of treatment, you will be asked to periodically return to our office for check-ups, though these visits are generally fewer and further between than those needed for traditional braces. During these follow-up appointments, your dentist will make sure your teeth are progressing as expected.

Although the aligners can be removed when you are eating, drinking, or cleaning your teeth, wearing them as often as possible is vital to achieving the best results in the shortest amount of time. Overall, the average treatment time for Invisalign® patients is about 6-9 months, though many patients achieve their desired results in as little as 3-4 months.

Treatment Comparison

When you weigh up your treatment options, it’s easy to see why Invisalign is the clear choice for so many people :

How does it work?

Invisalign uses clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth without wires.

Fixed Braces
Fixed braces use wires and brackets to move your teeth.

Nearly Invisible?


Fixed Braces
No, fixed braces are immediately noticeable



Fixed Braces
No, once braces can’t be removed until the treatment is finished

Doesn’t involve irritating, painful metal?


Fixed Braces
No, metal wires and brackets can irritate teeth and gums

Allows you to brush and floss normally?


Fixed Braces
No, metal braces make it harder to brush and floss

Provides a clear treatment plan?


Fixed Braces
While your dentist has a plan, you won’t receive a 3D Clin Check plan

Invisalign for Teenagers

No teenager wants to suffer the self-consciousness and irritation of traditional metal braces. And no teenager wants anything but a perfectly straight, attractive smile.

That’s why we recommend Invisalign Teen – an Invisalign programme designed specifically for teenagers and young adults.

Invisalign Teen aligners have all the benefits of our standard Invisalign braces, along with a number of special features to account for the fact that teenage teeth are still erupting.

So if you’re the parent of a teenager who wants a winning smile without the self-consciousness that comes with metal braces, contact The Dental Inc.